Galgotias Incubation Centre for Research Innovation Startup & Entrepreneurs
100+ Startups Incubated
Galgotias University has set up its Incubation Center as "Galgotias Incubation Centre for Research Innovation Start-up and Entrepreneurship (GICRISE)". GIC-RISE is supporting student start-ups by incubating them. Apart from providing various services as mentioned above, GIC-RISE also organizing various programs such as Start-up Bootcamp, Start-up Fellowship, Pitch Competition, Start-up School and Start-up Expo. Various services that as follows:
- Pre-Incubation support
- Business idea preparation and validation.
- Signing of MoU with Incubator
- Providing office space, internet & other office space facilities
- Support for Product development/improvement
- Training and networking
- Connecting with right mentor for technical as well as Business development
- Networking with Venture Capitalist & Angel Investors
- Loan assistance from Banks/Seed money, Legal and IPR support, Product marketing and commercialization support.
- Technology exhibition, awareness camp and entrepreneurial development plan.
- Assisting in company registration process
- Support after graduation from the incubator.