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Events, Arts & Culture

Fashion Fiesta

The first event of the tenure by the Fashion Society of Galgotias University was Fashion Fiesta, which celebrated various aspects of fashion with a revitalizing fashion show. The atmosphere was lively and outdoorsy, allowing contestants to build their confidence. The show had two rounds, with the first being an elimination ramp walk featuring participants wearing creative yet formal clothing. The audience was mesmerized by each participant and cheered them on in admiration. During the finalists' selection, the Music Club of the University, Noteveda, entertained the crowd with a glamorous jamming session. The second round involved using a random prop to showcase their outfits. Each contestant's cohesive outfits, attention to detail, and top-drawer confidence impressed the audience, removing any doubt. The winners were announced by the judges, the Core Team and Club Heads, and the event ended with applause and cheering.