Recent 5 Publications /Books/ Book Chapters
Research Papers
Sharma, Ashish and Gupta, Dr. Satyendra (March 2021). Artificial Intelligence- An Emerging Disruptive Technology in Education: Some Initiates. Shodh Sarita. Vol- 8, No. 29, p 96-100, ISSN: 2348-2397
Sharma, Ashish and Gupta, Dr. Satyendra (December 2020). Preparing Teachers to use Artificial Intelligence in Education. Shodh Sanchar Bulletin. Vol- 10, No. 40, ISSN: 2229-3620
Lal, Shilpi Lal and Gupta, Dr. Satyendra (December 2020). A Comparative Analysis of Emotional Intelligence on the basis of Western and Indian Literature. Journal of Education & Development. Vol-11, No. 20, December-2020, p 464-470, ISSN: 2248-9703
Agarwal, Parul and Gupta, Dr. Satyendra (December 2020). Factors Influencing the Study Habits of the School Students. Journal of Education & Development. Vol-11, No. 20, December-2020, p 471-477, ISSN: 2248-9703
Agarwal, Parul and Gupta, Dr. Satyendra (October 2020). Emotional Intelligence: Need of the Hour During Covid-19 Pandemic. Shiksha Shodh Manthan. Vol.6, No.2(A), October-2020, ISSN: 2395–728X. ttps://
Book chapters
Lal, Shilpi Lal and Gupta, Dr. Satyendra (2020). Increasing Usage of Social Networking Sites in Teaching-Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic in COVID-19 and Indian Education System Challenges and Opportunities. Delhi: Adhyaya Publishers and Distributors. p 254-264, ISBN 978-93-88688-02-4 (A chapter in an edited book)
Gupta. Dr. Satyendra & Haseeb, Masooda (2020). Education for Sustainable Development through Home Science as Multidisciplinary Approach in School Curriculum. Delhi: Universal Academic Books Publication and Distributors. p 101-107, ISBN 978-81-932820-6-9 (A chapter in an edited book)
8Gupta, Dr. Satyendra & Sharma, Kusum (2017). Educational Technology (Multy Units written on Educational Technology, MA (Education). Center for Distance and Open Learning, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Noida: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. ISBN 978-93-5259-694-2 (A chapter in a book)
Gupta, Dr. Satyendra & Sharma, Kusum (2016). Educational Technology (Multy Units written on Educational Technology, MA (Education) First Semester. Directorate of Distance Education, Tripura University. Noida: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. ISBN 978-93-259-6358-0 (A chapter in a book)
Gupta, Dr. Satyendra & Sharma, Kusum (2015). Educational Technology- I. M.Phil. Education I Semester. Directorate of Distance Education, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. ISBN 978-93-259-8880-4 (A chapter in a book)