Prof. (Dr.) Namita Singh Malik is Professor at School of Law, Galgotias University.. She has more than 15+ years of professional experience in legal field comprising of 3 years in court practice and 12 years+ in academics.
She possesses rich experience associated with academics, administration and research work. Dealt with students coming from various national, regional, social, and cultural backgrounds. She teaches across various streams and spheres of knowledge distribution. (At Doctorate, Post Graduate, & Under Graduate level).
She has organized around 200+ events of curricular, co -curricular & extra- curricular nature such as National Moot Court competition, International & National Conferences & Seminar, Faculty Development Programmes, workshops, panel discussions, interactive sessions, & other co- curricular & extra-curricular activities. She has delivered lectures/ talks/ speaker/ Adjudging Moots/ Resource person 30+ Times in FDP, Conference, guest lectures & Moot competitions.
15+ years experience.
Pursuing International Post Doctoral Program in New Technologies and Law from Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
Ph.D (Doctorate in Law from Mewar University, Rajasthan)
UGC-NET Qualified (2011)
LL.M (Master of Laws from Kurukshtera University, Haryana )
LL.B (Bachelor of Laws from HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand
Completed MOOC on Justice from Harvard University in February2021.
Completed MOOC on International Humanitarian Law offered by HKJCDPRI in collaboration with Oxford University and DMHR, Hong kong in January2021.
Completed Online self-paced course on“ Gender inclusivity in Peace Building” from
United States Institute of Peace on 5 January 2021.
Completed MOOC certification on 'Feminism and Social Justice' from
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA on 28 June 2020.
Completed MOOC on ‘GenderX: Doing Gender & Why it Matters ’from
University of Hong Kong on 17May 2020.
Successfully completed MOOC course on ‘Introduction to International Criminal Law’ from Case Western Reserve University, USA on 31 March 2020.
Successfully completed MOOC Course on ‘Social Norms Social Change’ offeredby University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with UNICEF on 12thAugust 2019.
Successfully completed a MOOC course on ‘Children’s Human Rights-an Interdisciplinary Introduction’ an online course by University of Geneva a in Oct 2017.
Award & Recognition:
Awarded in the category of “Law Teacher of the year 2022” by Indian National Bar Association (INBA) at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi on 26 November 2022.
Recipient of Travel Grant for Global Alliance for Justice Education (11th GAJE WWC),International Worldwide Conference, Hosted by Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 12th-14th December 2022, & GAJE Training of Trainers Program 11th and 15th December 2022.
Received full scholarship to pursue Doctoral Program in New Technologies and Law from Mediterranean International Centre for Human Rights Research, Reggio Calabria Italy.
Awarded with Academic Excellence Award 2020-2021 in 4thNational Symposium and Awards ceremony organized by Droite Penale Group in collaboration with University of Allahabad.on10 January2021.
Received Grant for 10th GAJE WORLD WIDE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2019 held in Bandung, Indonesia from 4th- 10thDecember 2019.
Awarded with Letter of Appreciation and financial reward by Sharda University for acknowledgement of performance in PARSF z2015.
Area of Interest:
Criminal Laws, Family Laws, Human Rights, Gender Studies, Research Methodology.
Research & Publications:
A Book titled Legal Analytics: The Future of Analytics in Law’ published with CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. ((ISBN NO: 978-10-32105-69-7)in Nov 2022.
A book titled “ Under the shadow of Section377: Socio-legal aspect of homosexuality in India” ISBN NO: 978-81-7139-976-5 ( foreword by Mr. PK Malhotra,Former Principal Law Secretary, Govt. of India)in July 2018
Chapter titled “Artificial Intelligence, Automation & Legal System” accepted for publication in the book titled Legal Analytics:The Future of Analytics in Law’ with CRC Press Taylor and Francis. ((ISBN NO: 978-10-32105-69-7).
Chapter on ‘Publication Ethics’ in the book titled Research and Publication Ethics in contemporary world published by Satyam Law International New Delhi Published in June 2022. (ISBN no: 978-93-91345-50-1)
Book chapter titled 'Exploring Intertwined Connections between Use and Misuse of Automated Facial Recognition in Combating Crime' published in a book titled Exploration of Technology Globally and its Legal Dimensions by Thomson Reuters Publication in March 2021. (ISBNNo:978-93-90529-40-7).
Chapter titled “Coercion or Choice? Moral Dilemma of Prostitutes inIndia” published in book titled ‘Law & Morality: SAARC perspectives’ published by Thomson Reuters (ISBNNO:9789389891300)in Feb 2020.
Research Papers:
Research Paper titled “Manual Scavenging Practices in South Asia: A Review from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal” published in Vol. 13, No.2, Sept 2022, ( ISSN: 0976-3570) Indian Journal of Law and Justice, Department of Law, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, West Bengal . (Scopus indexed & UGC CARE Listed Journal).
Research Paper titled “Tracing Triangular Correlation between Life with Dignity and Death with Dignity in the backdrop of LeadingCase Laws in India” published in International Journal of Law,Management & Humanities” in March 2022. ( Indexed in heinonline,Manupatra, Google Scholar, ISSN, ROAD etc.
Research Paper titled ‘Why We Lack in Basic Sanitation? AnAssessment of Challenges in Ajmer and Solution Strategies’published in the Journal of Social and Political Science; Asian Research Institute,ISSN2615-3718(Online)
Research Paper titled ‘Navigating from Commercial to Altruistic Surrogacy: Contested Considerations in Human Rights Discourse’ published in theNoida International Journal on Human Rights, Volume 8, Nov 2021; ISSN:2394-0298.(UGCCARE)
Research Paper titled ‘Swinging Pendulums between home and Workplace: Reflections on the life of Women Police Constables in India’ published in Volume 3, Issue 6 of International Journal of LawManagement & Humanities (ISSN 2581-5369) December 2020. ( Indexed inheinonline, Manupatra, Google Scholar, ISSN, ROAD etc.)
Research Paper Titled ‘Prioritizing or Postponing’ A Thematic analysis of Reproductive and Motherhood choices among Educated Indian Married Women’ published in Scopus Indexed Journal titled Psychology and Education (2021)58(2):5784-5791;ISSN:0033-3077.
Research Paper titled ‘Addressing the exigency of reconstructing Arbitration Laws of India’ published in Aegaeum Journal (Volume8,Issue 5, May 2020 ) , A UGC- CARE Approved ( Group II) ,Multi-Disciplinary, Peer Reviewed/ Referred, Open access Journal ( ISSN NO:0776-3808);DOI:16.10089.AG.2020.V815.285311.3443
Research Paper titled ‘How far practical? A study of multi dimensional constraints in use of DNA technology ininvestigation of sexual offences in India’ in IJCRT (International Journal of creative Research Thoughts),an International open access, Peer Reviewed, Referred journal,Volume8,Issue5,May2020.(ISSNNo:2320-2882) Impact factor: 7.97 impact factor by Google Scholar & SemanticScholar);PaperID:IJCRT2005045.
Research Paper published on the topic ‘Reflections On The Continuity Of Violence Against Women Amidst War And Internal Conflicts: Global Perspectives’, in IRJMSH (International Research journal ofManagement Sociology & Humanities), UGC approved &InternationallyIndexed Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, Vol. 11 Issue 1 [Year 2020] ISSN2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print) ,Impact Factor* -7.8012,DOI:https://dOI.ORG/10.32804/IRJMSH.(Indexed in GoogleScholar, Academia. Crossref).
Research Paper on the topic‘ Legalization of homosexual marriages in India: Challenges & Possibilities’.(Published in August 2013 inPeriodic research- international journal-ISSN NO:2231-0045 ( Indexed in Google Scholar& ROAD)
Research Paper on the topic ‘Discrimination against homosexuals with specific reference to military services- Reconsideration of policy matters in Global scenario’ (Published in August 2013 inShrinkhala-Aninternationaljournal-ISSNNO:2321-290X).
Research Paper on the topic ‘Homosexuality in India’ – Published in 2012,Ideal journal of legalstudies-National journal–ISSNNO.2231-0983.
Published patent with GU Affiliation on System and Methods for Analyzing the Emotions of the Person using Smart Sensors on 11 feb 2022 , (Application number:202211006009-IndianPatent Office).
Paper presentation in Conferences & Seminars:
Paper presented on the topic “Legal Aid Clinic and Socio- Legal Mobilization: An Empirical Study of Awareness and Implementation Initiative of Mukhmantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana ( A Govt. Scheme focusing on Upliftment of Girls Rights in India) in 11th GAJE WWC), International Worldwide Conference, Hosted by Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 12th-14th December 2022,
Research Paper presented on the topic ‘Exploring Law and Justice in Literature through the prism of Religion and Spirituality’ in International Conference on Literature epitomizing society and Justice’ organized by knowledge steez in collaboration with Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia on 14thMarch2021.
Research Paper presented in International Unequal World Conference, New York ,USA on the topic ‘Is new law for the protection of ‘Visible Invisible ’transgender community in India really promising’ ON 28-29 September2020.(Virtual Conference).
Research paper presented on the topic ‘Legal Rights of transgenders in Socio Cultural Milieu in India ’in The International Winter School on Law, Language and Culture held at the National law University, Delhi in collaboration with University Paris Nanterre, France and Potsdam University,Germanyfrom24-28FebrUARY 2020.
Research Paper titled ‘Designing of legal Empowerment programmesfor women living in communities in India, with specific referenceto Noida’, presented in 10thWorldwide Global Alliance for Justice EducationConference at University of Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia( 4- 8 December2019).
Research Paper presented in International Conference on Medico Legal Issues in Forensic science investigation organized by Legal desire on 22 July 2019 at Delhi India on the topic ‘How far practical? A study of multi dimensional constraints in use of DNA Technology in investigation of sexual offences in India’. Research Paper presented on the topic ‘A Socio legal Aspect of Cyber Space with special reference to Cyber Law in India’ in National Conference on The legal advancement of 21st century with respect to technological and social development, organized by ICFAI University, Dehradun on 8-9th June2019.
Research Paper presented in National Conference on Law & Behaviour: Individual, Social and Organizational Perspective on the topic ‘A critical study of Challenges & Possibilities of Legalizing Prostitution in India’ organized by Vivekanand Institute of Professional Studies , affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Delhi on February 17th 2018
Research Paper presented in National Seminar on Socio- legal Impact of Economic Reforms in India: A Global Perspective on the topic ‘A study on relationship between Demonetization and strangling of Terrorist outfit in State of Jammu & Kashmir’ organized by Ideal Institute of Law, affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Delhi on 20th JanuaRY2018.
Research Paper presented in International seminar on Terrorism and War on the topic ‘An Exploratory Study of Terrorism leading to War as a Challenge to State Security’ organized by IIMT College, Delhi affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi on 21st January, 2017.
Research paper presented in National Seminar on Human Rights: Issues and Social Transformation (Inter Disciplinary Approach) on topic ‘An Insight into social and Legal Justice before LGBT Community in India’ organized by department of sociology and political science at Maharana Pratap Govt. Post Graduate College, Chhittorgarh ( Rajasthan). (NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade college.) On 6-7 JanuaRY,2017.
Research paper presented on ‘Issues and Challenges before LGBT
Community in India’ at International Conference on Law and Policy held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 22nd-23rd October, 2016.
Research Paper presented on the topic ‘ Crime against women and the criminal law amendment act, 2013’ at 1stnational seminar on protection of women’s right and its accomplishments in present scenario on 19th December, 2016 at university institute of legal studies, SAS, Nagar, Chandigarh.
Paper presentation on title- “Need and scope of right to information in present scenario” in the National Seminar on Right to Information: Emerging issues and challenges organized by ideal institute of management, technology & law, Delhi on 24 JanuaRY2012.
Participated in International Conference on ‘Rule of Law for supporting the 2030 Development Agenda/ Sustainable Development Goals’ organized by United Nations Environment Programme, National Green Tribunal, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India & Ministry of Water resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of India held on 4th-6th March 2016, NewDelhi.
Panel Speaker in the ‘Pink Heroes Law Conference (PHLC)’ in an Online Mode on March 9, 2022 from 10:30 am- 12:30 pm on ‘Contribution of Women as Social Entrepreneur', organized by JAGRAN LAKE CITY UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL.
Guest Panelist at the Virtual Panel Discussion on “Role of Women in Academic Leadership” organized by Parul Institute of Law, Parul University, Gujarat on 24th March 2022
Delivered talk on “Women in Leadership: Challenges & Opportunities” at The National Law University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi, Kerala on 8 March 2022.
Guest speaker in the webinar on “Application of the principles of forensic science law” at Parul Insitute of Law, Parul University Gujarat on 17 December 2021.
Chaired a session in 4th Edition of Trans-disciplinary International Conference on Neoteric Vision of Culture, Ethics and Heritage towards Human Dynamics on 09th – 10th September, 2021 Amity Law School, Noida.
Resource Person in one week Faculty Development Program on Research organised by School of Nursing, Galgotias University from 31st August- 4th September 2021.
Resource person in International Panel discussion on Domestic Violence and Human Rights, organized by Youth for Human Rights & Knowledge Steez on 25 June 2021.
Resource Person in inter-Disciplinary Faculty Development Programme on ‘Constitutional Values and Fundamental Rights’ organized by Amity Academic Staff College in association with Amity Law School, Noida from 7-12 June 2021.
Resource Person (Chair) in National E- Seminar on effects of climate change in the contemporary world, organized by Jagran Lake City University, Bhopal in collaboration with Centre for Environmental Law , Education Research and Advocacy, National Law University of India, Bengaluru on 4-5 June 2021
Resource Person for an invited lecture on ‘Forensic Science and Law Interface’ at ITM University, Raipur on 23 April 2021.
Presided over as a Judge in National Debate Competition organized by CPJ College of Law and Higher Studies, affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi on 10 April 2021.
Delivered Guest lecture on Research & Publication ethics at Indore Institute of Law, for an online certification course on Legal Writing and Research on 2 March 2021.
Presided as a Judge in 3rd Bennett University National Moot Court Competition organized from 5-7 February 2021.
Resource person & Session Chair for 4 International Conference on Human Rights & Gender Justice organized on 13 December 2020 by Knowledge Steez in collaboration with South Ural State University, Russia, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Legal Studies Association, United States & Youth for Human Rights International, India Chapter.
Resource Person & Session Chair for Virtual International Seminar on Human Rights, United Nations and International Law organized by Lawman & Centre for International Legal Studies and Training, New Delhi, India on Human Rights Day ( 10 DecembeR2020).
Resource Person & Judge for ‘Quintessence Conficture’ Multi Skill Virtual Event organized by Ryan International Group of Institutions on 23-24 November 2020 @ Ryan International School, Greater Noida.
Session chair and Panelist in Virtual International Conference organized by Legge Rhythms from 22-23 AuguST2020.
Adjudged SAARC round of Fifth Prof. N R Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition, held at Lloyds Law College, Greater Noida on 21-24 February 2020.
Judged 2nd Galgotias University Moot Court Competition (1st International Paperless Moot) from 24-25 JanuaRY2020.
Delivered Key note Address in inaugural session of Dehradun Law Conclave during in National Seminar on Criminal law & Criminal Justice System on 17 November 2019 at Dehradun, UK, India.
Judged 1stNational Moot Court Competition of IIMT (Group of Institutions ), Greater Noida on 18th October2019.
Delivered an invited talk on ‘How education leads to empowerment of Women and Prosperity of the entire family’ at Dilawari Devi Kanya PG College, Village Chingrawati, District Bulandshahar (UP)on ‘Legal Rights of Women’ on 12 October 2019.
Judged 2ND National Inter College Debate competition on the theme ‘International Human Rights are paramount to absolute state sovereignty’ organized by center of legal studies at GIBS college, Rohini Delhi affiliated to GGSIP University on 14th September 2019.
Delivered a talk as a panelist in Panel Discussion on Abolition of death penalty in Delhi Law Conclave organized by Legge Rhythms in collaboration with JIMS Greater Noida on 28th SeptembeR2019.
Delivered guest lecture on “Emerging issues related to IVF and Surrogacy law” at Ideal institute of law, affiliated to GGSIP University Delhi on 11 SEPTEMEBR2019.
Delivered address as a keynote speaker of technical session in National conference on the theme “Transparency and Accountability in justiceAdministration” at Chandraprabhu Jain College of higher studies and School of Law, Narela, affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University Delhi on 15Th- 16MarcH 2019.
Invited to Judge 1st National moot Court Competition organized by Centre of Legal Studies (CLS), Gitarattan International Business School, Rohini, Delhi from 22nd- 23rd February 2019.
Delivered Guest lecture on invitation by IIMT & Ideal Institute of law, Delhi on 15th October 2018 on the topic “ Socio-legal dimensions of LGBT and transgenders in India
Delivered Guest Lecture on invitation at Dilawari Devi Kanya PG College, Village Chingrawati, District Bulandshahar (UP) on ‘Legal Rights of Women’ dated 7th September 2018.
Delivered an Interactive session on the topic ‘Challenges for North East Indians in field of higher education and employment generation’ at Nagaland House New Delhi on 29th June2018.
Delivered address as a ‘Resource person’ on invitation in Legal Aid and Awareness Camp organized by Lloyd’s Law College, Greater Noida in collaboration with DALSA (District legal Services Authority) on ‘Rights of Transgenders’ on 24th September 2017.
Reviewer/ Scientific Committee Member:
Appointed as reviewer for the 8th World Conference on Women Studies on the Theme :"Feminist Futures In Precarious Times: Decoloniality, Borderlands, And Transformative Visions" to be held online on 14-15 May 2022 organized by TIIKM in collaboration with Bridge water State University, USA, Universiti Brunei Darussalam,Brunei & The Asian-African Association for Women, Gender, and Sexuality (AAAWGS).
External examiner for Phd. Thesis evaluation in Jagran Lake City University, Bhopal & ICFAI University, Dehradun.
Appointed as a scientific committee member cum reviewer for the 3rd World Conference on Children and YoutH 2021.
Appointed on 30 December 2019 as a Scientific Member of the 6thWorld Conference on Women Studies (WCWS 2020) to be held on 27th- 28thJuly 2020 in Colombo, Srilanka under the theme “Overcoming Women’s subordination: Socialization, Law, and Structural Inequalities”. (Reviewed more than 20 Conference papers).
Working as review member for the editorial board of the IJCRT ( International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts), International Peer Reviewed and Referred open access monthly journal, indexed in ISSN, Google Scholar, DOI (ISSN NO: 2320- 2882), (Impact factor: 7.97) ( Appointed on 7 JulY2020)
Advisory Editor for the editorial board of the IJSSM (International Journal of Social Sciences and Management), since May 01,2020.
Faculty Advisor to The Law Communicants (Legal Tech Platform for students and legal professionals)
Research Advisor to LAWMAN & Faculty Advisor to