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Ms. Sweta Negi

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization
Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Herbal Drug.
M Pharm (Pharmacognosy)
Professional Experience
● I have started my carrier Galgotias University, Greater Noida as Assistant Professor.
● Joined Department of Pharmacy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida as Assistant Professor engaged with B Pharm students. Also guiding B Pharm students for their respective project work. (from 6 Feb,2023 to till date).

Achievement and Awards
● Secured 1st Rank in University in M.Pharmacy (2020-2023).
● Secured 1st Rank in University in B.Pharmacy (2016-2020).

Major Publications

1. Research published in Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Pharmacognostical investigation of “Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Brandis” Family-Rubiaceae, collected from areas of Haldwani District Nainital, 2023; 12(1): 309-315.
2. Review published in International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research (IJSDR)- A Review on Pharmacological and Phytochemical Spectrum of “Traditional Medicinal plant Adina Cordifolia ” Family-Rubiaceae.
3. Abstract published in "International Conference on Medicinal Plants, Health and Quality-Life - 2022" (ICMPHQL)-A Review on Pharmacological and Phytochemical Spectrum of “Traditional Medicinal plant: Brugmanisa.
4. Abstract published in “International Journal of Biological Science(IJPBS)” –“Futureaspects of drug delivery system: Nanorobots”.
5. Abstract published in “Uttaranchal University Journal of research (UUJR)”-“Review on Hyper-triglyceridemia treatment with the use of Icosapant ethyl”
Book: NA (Fresher)
Book Chapters: NA(Fresher)
Book Edited: NA(Fresher)
Patent: NA(Fresher)
Other Courses: NA(Fresher)

Collaboration with national and international journal/ conferences: NA(Fresher)
Oral/Poster Presentation:
1. Oral presentation on the topic “Major Safety Challenges Faced by ATMPs” in tehe National Conference on “Scope and Research Opportunities for the Pharmacy Professionals in Pharmacovigilance and Materiovigilance” Organized by School of Pharmacy, Sharda University In collaboration with Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC),Ghazibad held on 17-18 march,2023.

2. Poster presentation on “Traditional medicinal plant: Adina Cordifolia” in the International Conference on Drug Engineering held on 25th & 26th march,2022.

3. Poster presentation on “ Pharmacognostical, Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Adina Cordifolia and formulation & Evaluation of Anti-Aging cream” in National Conference held at College of Pharmacy, Shivalik campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand on September 29th 2022.