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Mr Rajat Dixit

Assistant Professor

Mr Rajat Dixit is currently working as Assistant Professor in School of Law. He has total experience of more than 3 years of teaching various disciplines of Law and has been associated with Galgotias University since 2022. Prior joining Galgotias University, Mr Dixit was working as Assistant Professor of Law at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab. He did his B.A.LL.B. (Hons. specialization in Energy laws) from University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun and LL.M. in Environmental Laws from Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur. In January 2019, he received the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) from University Grants Commission. He is pursuing his PhD on “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with specific reference to Drones: An exploratory study of International and National Legal Control Regime” from RGNUL Punjab. His areas of interest and specialization are Energy Laws, Environmental Law, Corporate Laws, Sports Law and Air & Space. Prior to joining academics, he worked as Associate Advocate at Yogesh Pachauri & Associates New Delhi, where he was primarily engaged with the litigation and drafting team. He is the Faculty Coordinator of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Entertainment & Sports Law (CASES) at Galgotias University. 


  • 3 years of teaching experience.

  • 2 years of industry experience.


  • Ph.D. (Perusing)

  • UGC NET with JRF

  • LL.M. (Environmental Law)


  • Presented a paper titled “Internet, Big Data and Privacy: COVID- 19 Lessons” in ‘One Day E-International Seminar on Data Protection and Data Privacy’ organized by Law Mantra, Indian Law Institute- New Delhi, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law- Punjab and Maharashtra National Law University- Nagpur. (18.12.2021)

  • Presented a paper titled “Regulatory Framework for Drones in India: A Critical Analysis” in ‘International Conference on Air and Space Law, Legal Issues and Challenges’ organized by Centre of Research for Development, Parul University. (29.09.2021)

  • Presented a paper titled “The Role and Responsibilities of International Financial Institutions with respect to Human Rights: A Critical study” in One Day International E-Seminar on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in International and Domestic Law organized by Law Mantra in collaboration with Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad. (18.08.2021)

  • Presented a paper titled "Drones Regulatory Framework in India: A COVID-19 Analysis" in the 'International Conference on Impact of COVID-19 on Civil Aviation: Change in the Regulatory Landscape' organized by the Centre for Aviation and Space Laws, the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. (14.08.2021)

  • Presented a paper titled “Techno-scientific Constitutionalism: Ethical Approach in Artificial Intelligence Governance” in One Day International Seminar on ‘Artificial Intelligence and Law’ organized by Law Mantra in Collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law- Punjab, Maharashtra National law University- Nagpur and Maharashtra National law University- Aurangabad. (10.10.2020)

  • Presented a paper titled “Unmanned Aerial & Space Vehicles: A Critical Study of International & National Legal Control Regimes” in Post Graduate Winter School on Legal Pluralism and Governance in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunity organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab, and National Law University- Delhi in association with Himachal Pradesh National Law University- Shimla and University of Campania, Naples, Italy. (04.11.2019).


  • Participated in Faculty Development Workshop on Research Skills, Pedagogy and Citations organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. (17 May to 19 May 2022)

  • Participated in One-Week Faculty Development Programme on Sports Law, Governance & Policy organized by GNLU Centre for Sports & Entertainment Law (GCSEL) and Swarnim Gujarat Sports University Gandhi Nagar. (28 Feb to 5 Mar 2022)

  • Participated in Two-Week Capacity Building Programme (Online) on ‘Comparative Public Law and Hindu Philosophy: Research and Teaching Dimensions in 21st Century India’ organized by Centre for Comparative Public Law, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla in association with the Indian Council for Social Sciences Research, New Delhi. (17 July to 30 July, 2021)

  • Participated in Ten Days Online Workshop on Research Methodology organized by Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. (21 May to 02 June, 2021)

  • Participated in Fifteen Days Online National Refresher Course organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan  Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education in collaboration with SVKM's Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Mumbai and Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj. (05 Feb to 20 Feb, 2021)

  • Participated in Ten Days Online Workshop on Advanced Legal Research Methodology Sponsored under the Scheme of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) organized by University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad. (04 August to 14 August, 2020)

  • Participated in Five Days Post Graduate Winter School on Legal Pluralism and Governance in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunity organized by RGNUL- Punjab, and NLU- Delhi in association with HPNLU- Shimla and University of Campania, Naples, Italy (31 Oct to 04 Oct, 2019)

  • Participated in Two Days National E-Workshop on 'Various Facets of Media Law' organized by ICFAI University, Dehradun (7 to 8 August 2020)

  • National Cadet Corps (NCC) ‘B’ Certificate Holder (2010)Gender Justice & Workplace Security, Offered by NPTEL

Area of Interest

  • Sports Law

  • Environmental Law

  • Energy Laws

  • Corporate Laws including Securities and Insolvency Laws.

  • Air & Space Law

Other Achievements 

  • Delivered a Lecture on the topic “Role of an NCC Cadet in Nation Building” at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab (30 April 2022)

  • Delivered a Lecture on the topic “Writ Jurisprudence and Contemporary Developments” organized by Centre for Constitutional Law and Governance (CCLG) at RGNUL Punjab (08 May 2021)

  • Invited as a Resource Person in One Day National E-Seminar on Socio-Economic Transformation in India: Prospects and Strategies in Post-Pandemic Era organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare (CASLW), RGNUL Punjab. (21 April 2021)

  • Chaired a Technical Session One Day International Seminar on Emerging Trends of Intellectual Property Rights organized by Law Mantra in Collaboration with The Indian Law Institute New Delhi, RGNUL Punjab, CNLU Patna, MNLU Nagpur and SRM University Sonepat. (17 April 2021)

  • Chaired a Technical Session One Day International Seminar on Globalizing World and Cybercrime organized by Law Mantra in Collaboration with Advanced Centre on Research, Development and Training in Cyber Law & Forensics, NLSIU Bengaluru, RGNUL Punjab, and MNLU Nagpur. (30 Oct 2021)

  • Chaired a Technical Session One Day International Seminar on “Contemporary Issues and Challenges organized by School of Legal studies, Apeejay Satya University, Gurugram in collaboration with International Council of Jurists, London. (12 July 2020)

  • Invited by NGO M/s Inner Works as Resource Person for imparting Legal Training to Rampur Forest Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh. (27-28 December 2019)

  • Drafted the Problem Statement for '1st RGNUL‑ L&L Partners Energy Law Agreement Drafting Competition 2020' organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy Laws, RGNUL Punjab.

  • Adjudicated numerous National and International Moot Court Competitions.