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Mr. Pawan Tanwar

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization

Clinical Microbiology


M.Sc. MLT from Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana and B.Sc. MLT from from Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana.

Professional Experience

  • 6Months of Training at Lal Path Lab Rohini Sec.18, New Delhi.
  • 3-month training experience in Asian hospital Faridabad Badkal mod in the Microbiology department.
  • Currentlyworking at a Position of Assistant Professor, School of Medical and Allied Science, Galgotias University, Greater Noida since March 27, 
  • Workedas Lecturer at DPG Polytechnic for 6 Months.

Major Publications

  • Pawan tanwar, Interaction of Protein-Ligand: Molecular Docking, A novel computational biology tool, Annals of the Romanian Society for the cell biology, October 
  • Pawan tanwar, The Prevalence of Neonatal Jaundice, YMER Scopus journal, January 2023
  • Pawan tanwar, Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Self Medication Effect Human Health
  • Pawan tanwar, A Comparative Analysis of the Epidemiological characteristics and transmission of covid 19, IJRAR UGC APPROVED
  • Pawan tanwar,A compressive study on cancer IJRAR UGC APPROVED
  • Pawan tanwar, An overview of systemic review on tuberculosis IJRAR UGC APPROVED
  • Pawan tanwar, review of current transfusion therapy and blood banking practices IJRAR UGC APPROVED

Book Chapters

  • Pawan tanwar, "Microbiological Surveillance and Outbreak Prediction" book name Futuristic Trends in Medical Sciences"(accepted)

Workshop and Seminar/Webinar

  • Attended National Workshop on Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy, AdvancedInstrumentation Research Facility, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New 
  • Participate inRotary Blood Bank Camp, New Delhi, Organized by the Department of MLT, Amity University, 
  • Attended 14-day FDP on title “Trends in research and scientific