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Mr. Avinash Kumar

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization

Clinical Microbiology


Pursuing PhD. MLT from GD Goenka University, Gurugram, Haryana, M.Sc. MLT from Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana and B.Sc. MLT from GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi, India

Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor at Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan from November, 2019 to Dec, 2020.

Awards & Honours

  • Best Paper Presentation at International Conference (IMSRC-2022), Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Young Researcher Award-2021 by INSC, Bangalore, India.
  • Best Poster Paper Presentation at National Conference on Healthcare, Starex University, Gurugram, India.

Major Publications

  • Avinash kumar, Abhishek kumar verma. and Jaya Bharti., 2020. Aspects of Digitalization of Healthcare in India.International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 7(1), pp.404-407.
  • Abhishek kumar Verma1*, Santosh K Maurya2, Avinash Kumar3, Mayadhar Barik1, Vipin Yadav4, Bashir Umar1, Mudassir Lawal1, Zainab Abdullahi Usman1, Maimuna Aliyu Adam1, Bello Awal Balarabe1 “Inhibition of Multidrug Resistance Property of Candida albicans By Natural Compounds of Parthenium hysterophorusL.: An In-Silico Approach” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9 (3), 55-64.
  • Avinash Kumar, Abhishek Kumar VermaandMayadhar Barik*“Molecular Screening and Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2: Recent Advances and Future Prospective” ACTA SCIENTIFIC MICROBIOLOGY (ISSN: 2581-3226) 3(7), 46-57.
  • Aminu Ibrahim Danyaya1#, Abhishek Kumar Verma*,Avinash Kumar2#, Binta Sunusi Shuaibu1, Umar AdamuHamza1, Najib LawanYahaya1, Usman Rabi'u Bello1, Zaharaddeen Umar Na'abba1AndAbubakar Dabo Dalhat1 “Virtual Screening, MolecularDocking, and ADME/T Analysis of Natural Product Library against Cell Invasion Protein SipB from Salmonella entericaserotype typhi: In SilicoAnalysis”. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.8 (2020): 20-30.
  • Ismail, M., Abhishek kumar verma., Abdulkadir, A., Avinash kumar., Dhawan, D.K., Bolya, K. and Barik, M. (2020) Possible Mechanical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Causing COVID-19 by Insects: Infection, Prevention, Implications, and Control. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 10, 89-101
  • Arundhiti Sharma, Avinash Kumar, Harpreet Kaur, "AN OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL PANDEMIC COVID-19(CORONA VIRUS)", IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.7, Issue 2, Page No pp.52-60, April 2020.
  • Kolomi Muhammad Lawan and Avinash Kumar*, “Alteration of Platelets Indices in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient”. Acta Scientific Microbiology, 3.10(2020): 81-83.
  • Najib Lawan Yahaya1#, Mudassir Lawal1#, Abhishek Kumar Verma1*, Zaharaddeen Umar Naabba1#, Avinash Kumar2, Abhay Raj Kori3, Arundhiti Sharma4, Harpreet Kaur4, Dinesh Kumar Dhawan5 and Mayadhar Barik
    (PDF) Immunological Aspects of Cytokine Therapy, Signalling Pathway and its Molecular Mechanisms in the Fight Against SARS-CoV-2. Acta Scientific Pharmacology 1.10 (2020): 05-18.

Book Chapters

  • Avinash Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Dhawan, Abhishek Kumar Verma, Mayadhar Barik, “Screening and Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2: Need of the hour” A Textbook of the SARS-CoV-2: Guidelines and Protocol Development. Mahi International Publisher Ahmadabad, India. ISSN: 978-93- 89339-66-6, P.No.164-172.
  • Abhishek Kumar Verma, Avinash Kumar, Mayadhar Barik, “Aarogya Setu App (APA) for COVID-19: Recent Advances and Future prospective” A Textbook of the SARS-CoV-2: Guidelines and Protocol Development. Mahi International Publisher Ahmadabad, India. ISSN: 978-93-89339-66-6, P.No.179-186.
  • Bashir Umar, Mudassir Lawal, Zainab Abdullahi Usman, Abhishek kumar Verma, Avinash Kumar Ahmad Nasir Labaran, Mayadhar Barik, “Diagnostic Test Kit for COVID-19” A Textbook of the SARS-CoV-2: Guidelines and Protocol Development. Mahi International Publisher Ahmadabad, India. ISSN: 978-93-89339-66-6, P.No.187-203.
  • Abba Umar Yakub, Mus'ab Umar Abubakar, Mukhtar Aminu Garba, Abhishek Kumar Verma, Avinash Kumar, Arun Kumar Choudhary, Mayadhar Barik, “Aetiopathogenesis, Causal Factor and Morphology of COVID – 19: Recent Advances and Future Prospective”. Textbook of the SARS-CoV-2: Guidelines and Protocol Development. Mahi International Publisher Ahmadabad, India. ISSN: 978-93-89339-66-6, P.No.220-240.


  • Attended National conference on, Best practices on allied health sciences, Starex University, Gurugram, Haryana.

International Conferences

  • Attended 4th International conference on digital healthcare after post covid era at GD GOENKA University, Gurugram, Haryana.
  • Attended International conference IMSRC-2022, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Attended 3rd International conference on evolution of healthcare in aerospace at GD GOENKA University, Gurugram, Haryana.

Workshop and Seminar

  • Attended Two-Day Workshop on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques, Artemis Hospital, and Gurugram, Haryana.
  • Attended National Workshop on Principle and Techniques of Electron Microscopy, Advanced Instrumentation Research Facility, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  • Attended National Workshop on Perspectives and Advanced techniques in nuclear Spectroscopy at Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
  • Attended webinar on “Examination in the wake of UGC guidelines for universities in view of covid-19 pandemic and lockdown at Mewar University, Rajasthan.
  • Participated in Programs of World Health Organization (WHO) i.e. “Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Corona virus ( Covid-19)”.
  • Participated in Programs of World Health Organization (WHO) i.e. “Operational Planning Guidelines and covid-19 Partners platform to support country preparedness and response”.
  • Participated in Programs of World Health Organization (WHO) i.e. “Clinical care of severe acute respiratory infection”.

Professional Membership

  • Review member of Review Committee, and active IJCRT RMS member of “International journal of Creative Research Thoughts.” (Member ID :116567)
  • Reviewer and active member of “International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Impact factor: 5.78 (Google scholar h-index).