Dr. Tasha Singh Parihar is currently working as Professor in the Department of Mass Communication. She has total experience of more than 11 years of teaching Journalism and Mass Communication and has been associated with Galgotias University since 2018. She has worked earlier as Assistant Professor in Amity University, Noida and Project Associate for Nanyang Technology University, Singapore. Her expertise is in quantitative research in ICTs, Game Studies and Social-Media. Her latest contribution is development of three scales namely Social Ethos Scale, Cultural Ethos Scale and Educational Ethos Scale. She is an honorary member in the Editorial Board of IJBST Journal Group. In 2021 she was felicitated as Best Media Research Educator of the year by Media Federation of India and Exemplary Academician of the Year Award by Eureka Publications. She is an invited author from the prestigious London Journals Press.
11 years of teaching experience
PhD: Topper with 9.67 CGPA
M.A. (Journalism and Mass Communication): University Topper and Gold Medalist
B.A. (Hons) Journalism & Mass Communication: University Topper and Gold Medalist
Award & Recognition
First Recipient of Atul Maheshwari Gold Medal, conferred to the MJMC University Topper of CCS University.
Vice-Chancellor Gold Medal, conferred to the MJMC University Topper of (2008-10) batch of CCS University.
University Topper and Gold Medalist, B.A (Hons.) Mass Communication (2004 – 07) batch of DAVV University.
Young Journalist Award, Rashtriya Patrakarita Kalyan Trust, New Delhi. May, 2010.
‘Best Paper Presentation Award’ in National Conference on Freedom of Press and Media Self – Regulation, 29th – 30th March, 2019 at NISCORT Media College in collaboration with Eureka Publications.
‘Best Media Research Educator Award’ in 15th Media Excellence Awards 2021 by Media Federation of India on 3rd of April, 2021.
‘Exemplary Academician of the Year Award 2021’ in the 7th Foundation Day of EnTo Teach and Eureka Publications on 18th of July, 2021.
She has presented Research papers in various National and International conferences & more than 30 Papers Published in various National, international & On -Line Journals
Singh, A., & Parihar, T. S. (2022). Prospects of Customization in educational pedagogy through Motion Sensing interactive educational games in India. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1(43), 6855-6862.
Parihar, T.S. (2022). Research in Public Relations, Public Relation in Digital World – Global Relationship Mangement, ISBN: 978-93-94981-14-0. Maysore Book House, Mysore
Parihar, T.S. (2022). Festival Engagement through Digital News Media, Events and Digital Media, ISBN: 978-93-5621-139-1. Orange Book Publication, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
Pervez, M. S., Dutta, P., & Parihar, T. S. (2022). Digitalisation of Health Communication: History and Current Scenario. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1(43), 3944-3966.
Parihar, T.S. (2022). Qamar Waheed Naqvi – Aaj apko jack of all hi nahi master of one bhi banana zaruri hai, Media Satsharkar, ISBN: 978-93-94712-00-3. Media Federation of India, New Delhi
Parihar, T.S. (2021). Transformation of health care system and communication - Impact of digitization on health communication in India. Anvesak, UGC CARE Group I, ISSN:0378-4568, Vol. 51, Issue 1, Aug-Dec 2021.
Parihar, T.S. (2021). Changing facets of health communication in India - Comparative analysis of rural and urban women. Shodsamhita, UGC CARE Group I, ISSN:2277-7067, Vol. VIII, Issue 8, 2021-2022.
Parihar, T.S. (2021). An Analysis of Fake news on social media and its impact during covid-19 in India. Aalochan Drishti, Year- 6, Vol.- 22 (April-June, 2021) ISSN: 2455-4219, UGC CARE.
Parihar, T.S. (2021). Creating Instagram Engagement using Artificial Intelligence for Building Brand Equity for Universities in Uttar Pradesh. Language, Culture & Digital Media: Emerging Trends & Challenges, ISBN: 978-93-5445-104-1. Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Parihar, T.S. (2020). A Study about Fake News on Online Platforms. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN: 2319-4979, 300-303, Sep, 2020.
Parihar, T.S. (2020). Fashioning China: Precarious creativity and women designers in Shanzhai culture (digital barricades) by Sara Liao. Chinese Journal of Communication, Vol. 13, Issue 4.
Parihar, T.S. (2020). A Study about Fake News Circulation on Social Media During Lockdown in India. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN: 2319-4979, 5-8, June, 2020.
Parihar, T.S. (2020). Hotstar: New Source of Entertainment Hungry Audience: A Case Study. Social Media, Digital Streaming and Cinema, ISBN: 978-93-89484-48-9. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi
Parihar, T.S. (2018). Nurturing Sovereign Journalism or Earning Reasonable Profit: A Study on Growth and Trends of Language Newspapers in India. Communicator, ISSN: 0588-8093. Vol. LIII, Issue 4.
Parihar, T.S. (2018). Communication Research: Latest Trends and Practices. BR International Journal of Culture, Media and Trends, ISSN: 2457-0966. Vol. 1, Issue 2.
Parihar T.S. (2017). Research Based Data Journalism. The editorial ACCI, Madrid, Spain. Retrieve from https://books.google.co.in/books?id=boiyDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA183&lpg=PA183&dq=tasha+singh+parihar&source=bl&ots=yWMSnaj1pI&sig=ACfU3U39JkRN9oQcRpvYwKXZmiTgrBgmOw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjzY7Ul-XgAhVEinAKHWFRCAw4ChDoATADegQIBhAB#v=onepage&q=tasha%20singh%20parihar&f=false
Parihar T.S. (2016). Social Ethos: Scale Development & Validation. Communication Today, ISSN:0975-217X, Volume 18, Issue IV, Jaipur, Rajasthan. (UGC indexed old list.)
Parihar T.S. (2016). Social Media: An Extension to Article 19(1) a. Vivekanand Journal of Research, ISSN:2319-8702, Volume 2, Issue III, New Delhi. (UGC indexed old list.)
Parihar T.S. (2014). Social Media: Challenges and Prospects. Media Map, ISSN: 2349-5944, Volume I, Issue II, New Delhi.
Parihar T.S. (2014). Understanding Communication Research. Media Map, ISSN: 2349-5944, Volume I, Issue I, New Delhi.
Parihar T.S. (2014). ICT and Development in India: Perspective on rural network. Asian Journal of Communication, Singapore. 0129-2986 (Print), 1742-0911 (Online). Jan, 2014.
Parihar T.S. (2013). Social Media & Democracy: Cyberoptimists v/s Cyberskeptics on Arab Spring. Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Indraprastha University, New Delhi. Nov. 23, 2013.India. Conference Proceedings.
Parihar T.S. (2013). Role of Media in Serving Public Interest. Annual Souvenir, Press Council of India, page 45.
Parihar T.S. (2013). Social Media: Challenges and Prospects. Madan Mohan Malviya Institute of Hindi Journalism, M.G. Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, India. UGC Proceedings.
Parihar T.S. (2012). Journalism Education at Crossroad in India: A SWOT Analysis. IMS Manthan, ISSN: 0974-7141.Vol- VII, Issue – II, Dec 2012.
Parihar T.S. (2012). An Analytical Study of Paid News in Two English Dailies during MCD Elections 2012. Kanishka Publishers, ISBN: 978-81-8457-401-2, page 240-248.
Parihar T.S. (2012). Journalism Education at Crossroads in India. Surendranath College for Women, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India. UGC Proceedings.
Parihar T.S. (2011). ICTs for Agricultural Extension: A Study in the Indian Himalayan Region, Electronic Journal of Information System in Developing Countries. E-publication, Edition 48. SCOPUS & ProQuest Indexed.
Parihar T.S. (2011). Kheti mei mobile phono ka prayog: Himalaya shetra mei ek adhyaan (Hindi). Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, India. Media Mimansa Research Journal, ISSN: 2229-5593, Edition 4, page 29-38.
Parihar T.S. (2011). Use of Mobile Phones in Farming: A study in the Himalayan Region. Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, India. Media Mimansa Research Journal, ISSN: 2229-5593, Edition 4, page 29-38.
Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching, Offered by NPTEL-AICTE
UGC HRDC sponsored FDP-STP - " Artificial Intelligence, ML & Data Analytics"
Area of Interest
Communication Research
Street Plays
News Writing
Other Achievements
Resource Person, Online FDP on Design & Development on Digital Media Curriculum, GD Goenka University 18-22 Feb’22. Topic: R&D in Digital Media Platform.
Honorary Member of the Editorial Board of the IJBST Journal Group. http://board.ijbst.org/
Resource Person, E-Webinar on "Artificial Intelligence and Mass Media" by Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), Dec 2021 and Jan 2022.
Session Chair, MAIMS International Conference (MIC 2020) on the theme “Impact of Digitization on Education, Management sciences, Information technology, Law Enforcements and Media” organized by the ThinkQuest Club, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies (MAIMS) under the Aegis of IQAC and MACS in academic collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia, to be held on December 3rd & 4th, 2021.
Resource Person, E-Webinar on "Impact of Social Media on Human Being" by Trinity Institute, Greater Noida. 2021.
Editor of an ISSN 2456-2289 registered research journal ‘Journal of Media Studies & Research’ www.jmsresearch.com
Participated in a Faculty Development Program on "Gender Roles & Challenges: The Changing Paradigm" on 11th April, 2017. The purpose of the FDP was to sensitize towards the problems & challenges of different Gender & to empower them with skills to undertake research in related areas or reach out to the community to provide direct services.
Attended one-day seminar on ‘The Challenges in Media Education’ organised by Sambuddha Patrakarita Shikshak Evam Anusandhan Nyas at IIMC, Delhi on Saturday, 24th December, 2016.
Convener and Speaker of a two days Orientation Program on ‘How to Write a Research Paper’ organized by NISCORT, Ghaziabad, India. 13-14 Sep.2014.
Participated in four days residential International workshop on ‘How to Engage in Broadband Policy and Regulatory Processes’ jointly organized by LIRNEasia & Ce ntre for Culture, Media & Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia with support from Ford Foundation, New Delhi, 7-10 March, 2014.
Participated in two days International Webinar on ‘Postgraduate Research Tools-Research Made Easy’ conducted by RCTD INC., North America workshops@rctdinc.com, 29-30 January, 2014 through (HD) Video Conferencing.
Participated in Refresher Course -Winter School “Mass Communication” organised by Academic Staff College Devi Ahilya University, Indore, (M.P), 20th Dec, 2012 – 9th Jan, 2013.
Participated in three days residential workshop on Community Radio conducted by IdeoSync Media funded by UNESCO, 9-11 July, 2013.
Resource person in two days’ Workshop on Media Research for PhD students at Jaipur National University, 12-13 Feb., 2013.