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Dr Subhalaxmi Pradhan

Associate Professor

Dr Subhalaxmi Pradhan is currently working as an Associate Professor in Division of Chemistry, School of Basic Sciences. She has total experience of more than 11 years including Teaching and Research in Chemistry and has been associated with Galgotias University since 2016. She is the Program chair of UG Chemistry. She has completed Ph.D in 2012 by joint collaboration with Utkal University and IIT Delhi. She has 2.5 Yrs of Postdoctoral experience from University of Saskatchewan, Canada and IIT Delhi. Her research area focused on Processing of Non-edible oil seeds for production of Biodiesel & Biolubricant, Green solvent extraction and Natural Product Isolation and Characterisation. She has published more than 30 research papers in high impact International and National Journals and 12 book chapters. She has also edited a book “Biofuel Extraction Techniques” under Willey, published 03 patents and editing of two books are in process. She has also presented her research work nearly 20 national and international conferences. Being a passionate teacher, she believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to develop critical thinking and evaluate alternate approaches for problem solving. She always put her efforts towards the overall developments of her students. She has convened/organized more than 04 co-curricular/extracurricular events for the benefit of students in the past 4 years.


  • Total 9.0 years of Teaching experience at Dhenkanal (Auto) college Govt. of Odisha and Galgotias University and 2.5 years of Post-doctoral experience from IIT Delhi and University of Saskatchewan Canada.


  • PhD. (2007-2012) in Applied Organic Chemistry on joint collaboration at Department of Chemistry, Utkal University, Odisha and Centre for Rural Development and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

Award & Recognition

  • Canadian Common wealth Fellowship, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2011-12.
  • Best presentation Award in AMANGA2021, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, U.P
  • Best Presentation award in International conference Oils, fats, fuels and surfactants on 9-11th December, 2009, New Delhi, India.
  • Life member of Oil Technologist’s Association of India (OTAI)
  • Life member of Odisha Chemical Society, Odisha.
  • Member of American Chemical Society
  • Distinction in Bachelor’s Degree and secured first position in College

Area of Research Interest

  • Biofuel and Biolubricant
  • Waste to Energy
  • Green solvent extraction
  • Natural Product Isolation and characterization
  • Synthesis and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Compounds

Research Publications:Total: 46 (Patent: 03; Inter. Jrs: 22; Nat. Jrs: 08; Book Ch.: 12; Book Edit: 1)


  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandu Madankar, Lalit Prasad, Pinki Chakraborty, Gitanjali Pradhan, 2023. Bio-based Transformer Oil from Non-edible Oil seed Thevetia Peruviana, Application No. 202211072058, Published on 06/01/2023.
  • Pinki Chakraborty, T. Ganesh Kumar, J. B. Shajilin Loret, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, K. Sampath Kumar, Kamalesu, A device for detecting carbon monoxide in car air conditioner using IOT gas sensor Application No. 202211056434, Published on 14/10/2022
  • Kuldeep, Dr. Subhlaxmi Pradhan, Ms. Kajol Bhati, Dr. Priyanka Chhabra, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Dr. Pragati Saini, Dr. Pinki Chakraborty, Dr. Divya Bajpai Tripathy, Dr. Anjali Gupta and Dr. Lalit Prasad, Tooth Brush Designing, Application No. Application No. 371211-001, Published on 13/01/2023.

International Journals (SCI/Scopus/ WoS):

  • Gitanjali Pradhan, Sunita Maurya, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Yogesh Chandra Sharma, 2022: An accelerated route for synthesis of Glycerol Carbonate using MgTiO3 perovskite; as greener and cheaper catalyst, Molecular Catalysis 545 (2023) 113162 (ISSN: 2468-8274) (F-5.089).
  • Kumar, Sushma, S. Pradhan, C. Saha, 2023: Analysis of Drug Formulations using Micellar Liquid Chromatography: A Review, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 14(1), 1000-1014 (ISSN: 0975-8232).
  • Kritika Dhiman , Manoj Kumar, Chandreyee Saha, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, 2022 Analysis of Anti-Diabetic Drugs using Different Analytical Techniques, Advances in Bioresearch, 13(4), 2-10.( ISSN 2277-1573) (I.F-0.97).
  • Deshal Yadav, Sudipta Datta, Sujan Saha, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Shweta Kumari, Pavan Kumar Gupta, Vishal Chauhan, Shiva Kumar Saw, and Gajanan Sahu, 2022: Heterogeneous Nanocatalyst for Biodiesel Synthesis, ChemistrySelect 2022, 7, e202201671 (ISSN No-2365-6549) (I.F-2.307).
  • Deepak Sharma, V K Soni, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, 2022: Assessment of Variation in Air Quality over Delhi and Neighbouring cities of Noida and Greater Noida, Journal of Earth System Science, 131(3), 131-155 (ISSN: 0253-4126) (I.F-2.045).
  • Soumya Parida, Monika Singh, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, 2022: Biomass wastes: a potential catalyst source for biodiesel production, Bioresource Technology Reports, 18, 101081, Impact Score-4.82, ISSN: 2589-014X.
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandreyee Saha, Manoj Kumar, S.N. Naik, 2021. Transesterification and Reactive Extraction of Castor oil for Synthesis of Biodiesel/Biolubricant, IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science, 785 (1), 1-6, 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/785/1/012005 (ISSN:1755-1315) (IF:0.41).
  • Gunjan Singh, Gitanjali Pradhan, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Y.C Sharma, 2020: Transformation of Biodiesel waste Glycerol to value added Glycerol carbonate. Chemical Science Review and Letters, 2020, 9 (36), 1003-1013 (ISSN 2278-6783).
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Gitanjali Pradhan and S. N. Naik, 2019: Analysis of Antinutritional components of oil and meal in different provenances of Jatropha curcas from India, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 31, No. 3 (2019), 581-584 (ISSN: 09707077) (I.F: 0.54)
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Jianhneg Shen, Shahram Emami, Pravakar Mohanty, S.N.Naik, Ajay K Dalai, Martin J. T. Reaney, 2017: Synthesis of Potassium Glyceroxide Catalyst for Sustainable Green Fuel (Biodiesel) Production, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 46 (2), 266-272 (ISSN: 1226-086X, F:6.06).
  • Swapnil G. Jaiswal, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Madhumita Patel, Malaya Naik & S.N. Naik, 2015: Ricebran oil distillate a choice for γ – Oryzanol: Separation and Oxidation Stability Study. Journal of Food Research, 4 (2), 36-43 (ISSN: 1927-0887) (IF-0.77, Google).
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Jianhneg Shen, Shahram Emami, S.N.Naik, Martin J.T.Reaney, 2014: Fatty acid methyl esters production with Glycerol metal alkoxide catalyst, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 116 (11), 1590-1597(ISSN:1438-9312)(I.F: 2.056).
  • S. Madankar, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, S. N. Naik. 2013: Parametric study of Reactive Extraction of Castor Seed (Ricinus communis L.) for methyl ester production and its potential use as Biolubricant. Industrial Crops and Products, 43, 283-290. (ISSN: 0926-6690) (I.F: 5.645)
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, S.Madankar, Pravakar Mohanty, S.N.Naik. 2012: Optimization of Reactive extraction of Castor Seed to produce Biodiesel using Response surface methodology. Fuel, 97, 848-55. (ISSN: 0016-2361) (I.F: 6.609)
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, N.Naik, M. Ashhar I. Khan, P.K.Sahoo. 2012: Experimental Assessment of Toxic Phytochemicals in Jatropha curcas: Oil, Cake, Biodiesel and Glycerol. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92(3), 511-19.(ISSN:1097-0010) (I.F: 3.638)
  • Lalit Prasad, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, M. Das andS. N. Naik, 2012: Experimental assessment of toxic phorbol ester in oil, biodiesel and seed cake of Jatropha curcas and use of biodiesel in diesel engine. Applied energy, 93, 245-250. (ISSN: 0306-2619) (I.F: 9.746)
  • K. Sahoo, Malaya Naik, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, S. N. Naik, L. M. Das, 2012: High quality biodiesel from Thevetia peruviana Juss: Physic-chemical, emission and fuel performance characterization. Journal of Biobased materials and Bioenergy, 6 (3), 269-275.(EISSN: 1556-6579) (I.F: 1.126)
  • Monica Verma, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Satyawati Sharma, S. N. Naik, Rajendra Prasad, 2011: Efficacy of Karanjin and Phorbol ester fraction against Termites (Odontotermesobesus). International Biodeterioration and biodegradation, 65 (6),877-882.(ISSN: 0964-8305)(I.F: 4.320)
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, N. K Sahoo., S. N. Naik and P. K.Sahoo, 2010: Estimation of Toxic phorbol ester in Jatropha curcasoil cake and biodiesel. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22(5), 4069-4074. (ISSN: 09707077) (I.F: 0.54)
  • K. Sahoo, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, R. C. Pradhan, S. N. Naik, 2009: Study on physical properties of fruit and kernel of a potential biofuel plant: Thevetia Peruviana. Int. Agrophysics, 23 (2), 199-204. (ISSN: 0236-8722)(I.F: 2.317)
  • M. Das, Dilip Kumar Bora, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Malaya K Naik, S. N. Naik, 2009: Long term storage stability of Biodiesel produced from Karanja oil. Fuel, 88 (11), 2315-2318.(ISSN: 0016-2361) (I.F: 6.609)
  • Kedar Kumar Rout, Subhalaxmi Pradhan and Sagar Kumar Mishra, 2008: Estimation of Berberine in Ayurvedic formulations containing Berberis aristata. Journal of AOAC International, 91(5), 1149-53. (ISSN1060-3271) (I.F: 1.913)

National Journals (SCI/Scopus)

  • Chandu S. Madankar, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Narendra Kumar Sahoo, S. N Naik, 2023: Enzymatic Synthesis of Castor oil hexyl ester in liquid carbon dioxide medium and its potential application as Biolubricant, Indian Journal of Engineering and MaterialsSciences, 30 (2), 240-248. (I.F-0.615).
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandu S. Madankar, Lalit Prasad, S. N Naik, 2022: Synthesis of Environmental benign Biolubricant from Wild Castor seed by Reactive extraction and Optimization, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 100 (2023) 100898 (ISSN: 194522) (I.F:0.3, Scopus, WoS)
  • Anurag Bapat, Ashwini Meshram, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandu S. Madankar, 2022: Synthesis and Optimization of Rhamnolipids from Tree Borne Oils and Fats for Cosmetics Applications, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 81, 613-621, (ISSN:0975-1084) (I.F: 1.056)
  • Lopa Pattanaik, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, K. Sahoo and S. N. Naik, 2018 : Extraction and quantification of pure bixin from Bixa Orellena L. Indian Journal of Natural product and Resources, 9 (4), 290-295 (ISSN:0976-0512) (IF:0.55).
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Lalit Josi, Gitanjali Pradhan, S. N. Naik 2016: Reactive Extraction of Sustainable Biolubricant from Wild Castor Seed, International Journal of Engineering and Allied Sciences, 2, 2, 27-34. (ISSN: 2455-2054)
  • Lalit Prasad, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Smrita Singh, S.N. Naik, L.M. Das, 2016: Formulation and Utilization of Higher Blends of Castor Biodiesel-Diesel in C.I. Engine. International Journal of Engineering and Allied Sciences, 2, 1, 9-13 (ISSN: 2455-2054)
  • Lalit Prasad, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, S.Madankar, L. M. Das andS. N. Naik, 2011: Comparative study of performance and emissions characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with jatropha and karanja biodiesel. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 70 (8), 694-698. (ISSN:0975-1084) (I.F: 1.056)
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, L. C. Meher. S.N. Naik and P.K.Sahoo, 2010: Oil content and fatty acid composition of Jatropha curcas seed over Indian domain and Biodiesel Preparation. Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 42 (1), 19-23. (ISSN 0973-6379).

Book Published

  • Title of Book: “Biofuel Extraction Techniques" Publisher Scrivener Publishing, Wiley (Indexed in Scopus, WOS) Editors: Dr. Lalit Prasad, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Prof. S.N. Naik ISBN- 978-1-119-82932-4
  • Title of Book: “Lubricants from Renewable Feedstocks” Publisher Scrivener Publishing, Wiley (Indexed in Scopus, WOS) Editors: Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Dr. Lalit Prasad, Dr Chandu Madankar and Prof. S.N. Naik (In Process)
  • Title of Book: “Agricultural and Forest Biomass waste for Biorefineries” Publisher RSC (Indexed in Scopus, WOS) Editors: Dr. Lalit Prasad, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Dr. Ram Chandra, Dr. Prasad Kaparaju (In Process)

Book Chapters:

  • Anurag Bapat, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandu S. Madankar, 2023: Oil and Fats as raw materials as Corrosion inhibitors and Biolubricants in Oil and fats as raw materials for industry Publisher Scrivener Publishing, Wiley.
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandu S. Madankar, Paridhi, 2023: Oils and Fats as an environmental benign raw material for Surfactants and Laundry detergents in Oil and fats as raw materials for industry Publisher Scrivener Publishing, Wiley.
  • Chandreyee Saha, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, 2023: Microorganisms as Effective CO2 Assimilator for Biofuel Production in Biofuel Extraction Techniques John Wiley & Sons, ISBN- 9781119829324.
  • Soumya Parida, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, 2023: Extraction Techniques for Bidiesel production in Biofuel Extraction Techniques, John Wiley & Sons, 51, ISBN- 9781119829324.
  • Gunjan, Radhika Singh; Subhalaxmi Pradhan, 2023: Valorization of Byproducts Produced During Extraction and Purification of Biodiesel: A Promising Biofuel in Biofuel Extraction Techniques, John Wiley & Sons, 333, ISBN- 9781119829324.
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandreyee Saha, Soumya Parida, Sushama, 2022: Nanocatalysts for Environmental Benign Biofuel Production in Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology, Springer, Nature (Scopus/WOS) edited by Uma Shanker, Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain and Manviri Rani, ISBN-978-3-030-69023-6.
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, Chandreyee Saha, Manoj Kumar, 2021: Nonedible oils Potential Feedstock for Synthesis of Amino acid and Sugar based Green Surfactants in Surfactants from Renewable Raw Materials, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, edited by D. Tripathy, A. Gupta, A.K. Jain, S. Mishra, ISBN-9781003144878.
  • Chandreyee Saha, Subhalaxmi Pradhan, S Mishra 2021: Environmental Acceptability of Surfactants based on Renewable Raw Materials: Their Biochemical and Biomedical Applications, in Surfactants from Renewable Raw Materials, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, edited by D. Tripathy, A. Gupta, A.K. Jain, S. Mishra, ISBN-9781003144878.
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, S. N. Naik and P. K. Sahoo, 2009: Oil Content of Jatropha seed Over Indian domain and Biodiesel production. In Renewable Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development, edited by V.K.Vijay and H.P.Garg (Narosa Pub. House), 646-650 (ISBN:978-8173199936).
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, N.K. Sahoo, P.K. Rout and S.N. Naik, 2011: Production of biodiesel from high free fatty acid Neem Oil. In Biofuels: Potential and Challenges, A.K. Pandey and A.K Mandal (Scientific Publisher), 83-91. (ISBN: 9788172336967).
  • Subhalaxmi Pradhan, N. K Sahoo, R. C. Pradhan, L. Das, S. N. Naik and P. K.Sahoo, 2010: Toxic phorbol ester in Jatropha curcas oil, cake and biodiesel- A study. SAARC Oils and Fats Today, 12 (6), 10-14.


  • Basics in Inorganic Chemistry, NPTEL-AICTE, Feb.2020 (93%).
  • Teaching And Learning in General Programs (TALG), NPTEL-AICTE, Faculty Development Programme in July-August 2019 (75%, Elite+ Silver).
  • Teaching And Learningin Engineering (NPTEL-AICTE, Online Programme) in Feb-March 2019 (81%, Elite + Silver).
  • FDP on Learning, Pedagogy and Effective Use of Case Methodology held from 17th May to 21st May 2020.
  • Certificate of “Introduction to Python”on 27thMay 2020.
  • Training Programme on ‘Outcome Based Education’ held on 13th- 20th Dec2017organized by Galgotias University, Certificate is awarded by Engineering Staff College of India.

Other Achievements

  • Program Chair of UG Chemistry
  • Reviewer of different National and International Journals.
  • Resource person in webinars
  • Guiding PhD and M.Sc students in Chemistry
  • Handled different instruments NMR, HPLC, HPTLC, GC, IR, Polarimetry, Flash Chromatography, Rancimat, High pressure high temperature reactor, High Frequence Receiprocating Rig (HFRR).