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Dr. Shilpa Bahl

Associate Professor

Dr. Shilpa Bahl is currently working as Associate Professor in School of Business. She has total experience of more than 12 years of teaching in finance and has been associated with Galgotias University since 2018. She is firm Believer of productivity and efficiency in work. She Exhibits an honest work ethic with the ability to excel in fast-paced, time-sensitive environment. Being a passionate teacher, she believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to develop critical thinking and evaluate alternate approaches for problem solving. She always put her efforts towards the overall developments of her students. 


  • 12 years of teaching experience


  • P. hD

  • M.B.A

Award & Recognition


  • Dr. Ferojuddin MA Khan, Dr. Manisha Singh, Dr. Pramod Kumar Shrivastava, Dr. Shilpa Bahl(Jan, 2022) paper titled “Concept of Caveat Venditor and its Application in Healthcare and Education Sector”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022: 217-225. e-ISSN 1309-6591 

  • Dr. Shilpa Bahl, Sunil Kumar, Dr. Shuchita Singh(2020) paper titled “Evidences of Gender Diversity on Investment Preference”, International Journal of Management Issues and Research, Volume 9 Issue No. 2 July-December 2020, ISSN : 2320 – 1177.

  • Dr. Shilpa Bahl, Dr. Aanchal Amitabh and Dr. Shuchita Singh (2020) paper titled “Financial literacy: Analysis Among Management Graduates” Journal of the Social Sciences, July 2020 48(3), E-ISSN: 0975-8935 P-ISSN: 0253-1097, pp 3979-3988, Cosmos Impact Factor: 6.120 (2019). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13467.90402 

  • Dr. Shilpa Bahl and Dr. Jitin Gambhir(2019) Paper titled “Biases of Behavioral Finance and its Impact on Capital Market” Amity Journal Of Strategic Management, Vol-2, Issue-1, June, 2019, ISSN 2457-0036,pp. 13-17.

  • Dr. Priya Jindal & Shilpa Bahl (2017), Paper titled “Geomagnetic Storm and It’s Effects on Financial Market”, International Journal of Business Management & Research (IJBMR)Vol. 7 Issue 2, April 2017, pp. 17 ~ 28, ISSN(P): 2249-6920; ISSN(E): 2249-8036, Impact Factor: 6.9876. 

  • Dr. Priya Jindal & Shilpa Bahl (2016), Paper titled “The New Era of Finance: Neurofinance and Investment behavior ,International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing (IJRFM) Vol.6 Issue 7, July 2016, pp. 48 ~ 57, ISSN(o): 2231-5985 , ,Impact Factor: 5.861 Available online at :

  • Shilpa Bahl & Dr. Shuchita Singh (2014), Paper titled “Bullion : A Healthy investment Option” Asian Journal of Management Applications and Research Vol. 05, No. 1,100-103, ISSN 2230 – 8660 (print) ISSN 2230 – 8679 (online)

  • Shuchita Singh & Shilpa Bahl (2013), Empirical study of factors effecting investment patterns in secondary market, JIM QUEST: Journal of Management and Technology, Vol.9, No.1, 9-64.

  • Paper titled “Factors Influencing Investors Behavior In Stock Market: Study Based on Cross Country” presented in Exploring Future Frontiers for a Comprehensive Nation Building – A Search for New Indian Era , MM university, Mullana (Ambala) on Feburary 26-27, 2016.

  • Paper Titled “Globalization: Impact on Indian culture and Society.” presented in International seminar on "Socio Technical Frontiers of Global Management" at Rajshri School of Management and Technology, Varanasi on April 4-5,2014

  • Paper Titled “Bullion Market : Challenges in India” presented in 2nd International Conference on Business Innovation and I.T. at College of Applied Education and Health Sciences, Merrut on Nov 23, 2013


  1. Management Development Program on Case and Teaching Note Writing and Publishing, 28 August & 4,11,18,25 September 2021, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida.

  2. Faculty Development Program conducted by The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development from 08 February 2021 to 20 February 2021, Sponsored by Government of India.

  3. FDP on Impact of Moral Values, Ethics and Behavioural Sciences on Attitudinal Development of Professionals, held on 17th January to 30th January’2020 at Dewan Institute of Management Studies, Meerut, Sponsored by AICTE.

  4. Workshop on “Applications on Analytical tools and Ethics in Academic Research” held on 27th and 28th February 2019 at Department of Management Studies, SRM institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad.

  5. Attended 2 days’ workshop on “Statistical Techniques in RESEARCH” at Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Management on 22nd & 23rd August 2014

  6. Attended 7 days’ workshop on “Capacity Building Workshop on Multivariate Data Analysis for Management Research” at Department of Management Studies, JSSATE Noida, on 04/08/2014 – 08/08/2014.

  7. FDP on Entrepreneurship Development, held on 4th March – 16th March 2013 at BIT, Noida, Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology. (Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India)

  8. NPTEL online Certification on “Financial Institutions and Market”, 12 week course, scored 60%, Jan-April 2019.

  9. NPTEL online Certification on “Teaching and Learning in Engineering”, 4 week course, scored 63%, Feb-March 2019.

    1. NPTEL online Certification on “Cost Accounting”, 4 week course, scored 75%, July-August 2019.

    2. NPTEL online Certification on “Qualitative Research”, 8 week course, scored 94%, July-August 2020.

Area of Interest

Behavioural Finance


Corporate Finance

Book Published

“Behavioural Finance”, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd., ISBN: 978-93259-8457-8, Text Book for core subject in MBA IVth Semester, Behavioural Finance (NMBA-044) in APJAAKTU, Lucknow. 

Other Achievements