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Dr. Manju Dahiya

Associate Professor

Dr. Manju Dahiya is working as an Associate Professor and head of division of Economics, School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India. She is an Economist and worked with different universities and institutions. She has 13 years of teaching and research experience in different capacities with an exposure of Corporate as well as Research. She has contributed numerous articles, Book chapters and edited books in leading Journals, Seminars and conference proceedings. She has presented her research paper in various national and international conferences and seminars.Being a passionate teacher, she believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to develop critical thinking and evaluate alternate approaches for problem solving. She always put her efforts towards the overall developments of her students. 


  • Ph.D. in Economics
  • M. Phill in Economics
  • MA Economics
  • MBA in Finance 

Award & Recognition

  • Best paper award in National Conference on Indian Economy: Policy Intervention for Sustainable Growthheld on 11th and 12th March 2019 organised by School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida.
  • Paper Presented in International Conference on Business Management, Technology and Behavioural Sciences held on 14thand 15thJuly 2018, organised by Society of Technical and Management Professionals.


  • Dr. Manju Dahiya and Naman Mishra(2022), “A study regarding the effectiveness of Environmental Education on climate change” accepted for publication in The Impact of Climate Change and Sustainability Standards on the Insurance Market,edited book published by John Willy. 
  • Dr. Manju Dahiya and Naman Mishra(2022), The Impact of Technology in the Health Insurance Sector, accepted as a book chapter for publication in scopus indexed the book on Emerging Technologies and
    Adoption Strategies in the Insurance Sector. 
  • Dr. Manju Dahiya and LUJANG ABRAHAM (2022), “THE ROLE OF ADMINISTRATORS IN DEVELOPING RURAL INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTH SUDAN: A CASE STUDY OF ROKON PAYAM, JUBA COUNTY – CENTRAL EQUATORIA STATE” sent for publication in Nigerian Economic Society, indexed in Scopus indexed journal.
  • Dr. Manju Dahiya and Simran Singh(2022), “IMPACTS OF NON-PERFORMING ASSETS (NPA) ON INDIAN BANKING SYSTEM: A STUDY” in Vol. 47, Issue: 2, April-June 2022 SHODHA PRABHA (ISSN: 0974-8946) UGC-CARE List Group I, Impact Factor: 6.1.
  • Dr. Manju Dahiya and Saksham Tripathi (2022), “INDIA’S PERFORMANCE ON THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX” in Vol. No. IX, Issue- 6 (III) January – June 2022, Shodhasamhita Impact Factor: 4.9, UGC Care Group 1.
  1. Ms. Shikha Sharma and Dr. Manju Dahiya(2022), “A review of Literature on factors affecting trade: India, China and USA” in Journal of Algebraic Statistics, ISSN: 1309-3452 indexed in web of Science in the forthcoming issue, 2022..
  2. Ms. Shikha Sharma and Dr. Manju Dahiya(2021), “5 Vs of Big Data Analysis and the Insurance Sector with Special Reference to the Healthcare Sector and the Life Insurance Sector” in Book titled , Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, Emerald Publication. 
  3. Ms. Shelly Verma and Dr. Manju Dahiya(2021), “Big data Analytics Application and Enhanced FDI Prospects for Insurance Sector” in Book titled, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, Emerald Publication. 
  4. Mr. Manivendra Singh and Dr. Manju Dahiya(June 2020), “Impact of Delhi school Model on Education” in CLIO An Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History with ISSN No. 0976-075X, Vol. 6, Issue 13, Impact factor 5.60.
  5. Ombir Singh & Manju (March,2020), “Development, land Acquisition and Displacement: A case study of Jewar Airport in UP, in Studies in India Place Names withISSN no. 2394-3114, Vol.40, Issue 40, Impact factor 6.3.
  6. Manju and Ombir Singh (2019), “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review”, Remarking An Analisation, Vol-4, Issue-2, May 2019, ISSN No. 2394-0344.
  7. Manju (2017), Indian Economy: Digital Revolution for Growth, in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (IJAR&D) Volume 3, No. 2, July-December, 2017, Sixth Issue, ISSN : 2395-1737.
  8. Manju (2013), Banking Crisis: A Review of Literature, Interdiciplinary Journal of Management and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4. 
  9. Manju Dahiya (2013), Financial Crisis: A Review of Literature, Interdiciplinary Journal of Management and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 2 No.1.
  10. Manju Dahiya (2011) “Self Help Groups: A Case Study of Rohtak District in Haryana”, International Journal of Management and Computing Science, Vol. 1, March 2011, ISSN- No. 2231-3303.
  11. Ombir Singh and Manju Dahiya (2010) “Long Run Prospects for GDP Growth in India”, Research Journal of International Studies, Eurojournal, London, UK, Vol.No. 16, September 2010, ISSN- No. 1453-212X
  12. Manju and Ombir Singh (2018), Indian Tourism Industry: SWOT, in Handbook of Business management Practices: New Trends and Challenges, edited by Dr. Manju and Dr. Ombir Singh, Bharti Publication, New Delhi, ISBN No. 978-93-86608-60-4.
  13. Ombir Singh & Manju (2016), International Financial Crisis: A Review, in Handbook of Economic Environment of Business: Issues and Policy, edited by Dr. Ombir Singh and Dr. K. S. Prasad, Bharti Publication, New Delhi, ISBN No. 978-93-85000-77-5.
  14. Manju Dahiya (2011) “Indian Economy: Development Planning”, in Handbook of Management and Behavioural Sciences, edited by Dr. S.B.Yadav, Dr.Sudhir Agrawal, Wisdom Publication New Delhi, ISBN No. 978-81-89547-96-7.
  15. Ombir Singh and Manju Dahiya (2010) ‘Role of Foreign Capital in Economic Development: Some Evidence from India’ paper was published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure Finance, IIT Kharagpur, India.



  1. Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning By SWAYAM with silver class
  2. Qualitative research Method and Research Writing By NPTEL

Area of Interest

  1. International Economics
  2. Environment Economics
  3. Public economics
  4. Growth and development Economics
  5. Financial Economics etc.

Book Published

  1. Dr. Manju and Dr. Ombir Singh (2018), “Handbook of Business, Management and Practices: New trends and challenges” Bharti Publication, Delhi, ISBN No 978-93-86608-60-4.
  2. Rajpal Singh Rawat, Manju and Raghvendra Dwivedi (2014),“ New Approaches in Strategic and operation Management” Bharti Publication, Delhi, ISBN No 978-93-81212-28-8.
  3. Mani Arora Malik, Pradeep Narwal and Manju Singh (2012), “Hand Book of Finance and Business Management” Bharti Publication, Delhi ISBN No 978-93-81212-81-3.

Other Achievements

Patents Published

  1. Dr. Manju Dahiya Dr. Ashok Kumar Maurya, Dr. Shikha Srivastava , AN EVENT-DRIVEN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) BASED SYSTEM WITH REFINEMENT FOR INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT , Application Number 202211008111, Patent published by Government of India 
  2. Dr. Shikha Srivastave and Dr. Manju Dahiya, Teacher’s Badge with emotion detection, Application no. 105655, Patent published by Government of India 

Editorial Board Member

  1. Member of editorial board of The Shiv Shakti International Journal in Multidisciplinary and Academic Research (SSIJMAR) ISSN: 2278 – 5973.

Session Chair

  1. Session chair in national conference on Indian Economy: Policy Intervention for sustainable development (IEPISU), sponsored by ICSSR under IMPRESS scheme, 11-12 March, Organised by School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida.