Dr. Jaideep Sharma is currently working as Associate Professor in School of Business. He has total experience of more than 18 years of teaching Accounting & Finance and has been associated with GALGOTIAS University since 2021. He is firm Believer of productivity and efficiency in work. He Exhibits an honest work ethic with the ability to excel in fast-paced, time-sensitive environment. Being a passionate teacher, He believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to develop critical thinking and evaluate alternate approaches for problem solving. He always put her efforts towards the overall developments of his students.
Paper published in International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I2.782 ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 02 2022 on topic “Applications of Accounting Information System (AIS) under Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): A Comprehensive Review”
Paper published in Journal of the University Research Institute” (An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal), ISSN (Print): 2790-7147, Issue: 02, Volume: 02, Year: June 2022 on topic “Correlation between Accounting Information System and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Bangladesh Contextual Research
Paper published in The Journal of Oriental Research Madras (ISSN:0022-3301) on topic “” A Study of Digital Marketing Benefits in India”
Paper published in Gradiva Review Journal (ISSN : 0363-8057) on topic “A study of Customer attitude towards Gold Jewellery”
Paper published in Aut Aut Research Journal (ISSN:0005-0601) on topic “” Role of Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in Indian Securities Market”
Paper published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (E-ISSN:2348-1269) on topic “ A comparative analysis of Financial Performance of State Bank of India : Pre and Post-Merger scenario””
Paper published in Aut Aut Research Journal (ISSN:0005-0601) on topic “” An analysis of Non-performing Assets and its effectiveness on Banking Sector””
Paper published in International Research Journal of Management and Commerce (ISSN:2348-9766) on topic “” A Study of Factors Affecting the Satisfaction levels in E Banking””
Paper published in Journal of Advance Management Research (ISSN:2393-9664) on topic “” Study of Demographic Variables Influence on Customer Satisfaction in E Banking””
Paper published in Lingaya’s Lalita Devi Journal of Professional Studies (ISSN:2230-987X) on topic “” Alternative Trading Systems: Rise in Asia””