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Dr. Asheesh Kumar Gupta


Educational Qualifications:

  • Research Associate (1994–2000): Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India sponsored by CSIR
    Ph.D. (1993) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, thesis title “Solar EUV Emission
    Lines as a Plasma Diagnostic”
  • M.Sc.(Physics Splz. Space Physics) (1987): Delhi University, Delhi, with first division
    Special Course in Physics (1985): Delhi University with first division.
  • B.Sc. (Physics Hons.) (1984): Guwahati University
  • Research Specialization: Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Plasma Physics

Teaching(28 years) /Research Experience(10 years)

  • Professor & Head Physics (September 2011–onwards) At the Department of Physics, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India.
  • Professor & Head Physics (December 2008–September 2011): At the Department of Physics, Skyline Institute of engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India.
  • Professor Physics (June 2008–December 2008): At the Department of Applied Sciences, IIMT college of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India
  • Assistant Professor Physics (June 2004–May 2008): - Department of Applied Science, Galgotia’s College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India
  • Lecturer Physics (May 2002– June 2004): - Department of Physics, Prasad Institute of Technology, Jaunpur, India.
  • Lecturer Physics (August 2000– April 2002): - Department of Physics, Sunbean College, Varanasi, India.
  • Research Associate (August 1994 – July 2000): Worked in a CSIR sponsored project at BHU, Varanasi, India.

Research Papers Published (in refereed journals)

B.N. Dwivedi and A.K. Gupta

IV and Ne VI Line Ratios in the Sun
Adv. Space Res. 11, No. 1, 307-310 (1991)

B.N. Dwivedi and A.K. Gupta
Density Measurement from Al IX λ385.03/λ392.42 Line Ratio
Solar Physics (Letters) 135, 415-418 (1991)

B.N. Dwivedi and A.K. Gupta
Emission lines from O IV as a Plasma Diagnostic
Solar Physics 138, 283-290 (1992)

P.K. Raju and A.K. Gupta
Density and Temperature Diagnostics of Solar Emission Lines
Solar Physics 145, 241-256 (1993)

B.N. Dwivedi and A.K. Gupta
EUV Line Ratios from Mg VII and Si IX
Solar Physics (Letters) 146, 397-400 (1993)

P.K. Raju, B.N. Dwivedi and A.K. Gupta
Density & Temperature Diagnostics of Solar Emission Lines from Na VII & Al IX
Solar Physics 149, 289-299 (1994)

B.N. Dwivedi and A.K. Gupta
On the Temperature Measurement from the O IV Emission Lines
Solar Physics 155, 63-68 (1994)

A.K. Gupta and B.N. Dwivedi
Theoretical Ratios for the EUV Lines of Al VIII Ion
Solar Physics 156, 73-79 (1995)

B.N. Dwivedi, A. Mohan and A.K. Gupta
Spectroscopic Diagnostics for N III Ion
Solar Physics 161, 241-249 (1995)

A.K. Gupta and B.N. Dwivedi
Theoretical Ratios for the EUV Emission Lines of Na VI Ion
Ind. Journ. Radio Space Phys. 24, 328-332 (1995)

B.N. Dwivedi, A. Mohan and A.K. Gupta
Spectroscopic Diagnostics for N III Ion
Astrophys. Space Sci. 243, 163 (1996).
A.K. Gupta, A. Mohan and B.N. Dwivedi
On the EUV Line Diagnostics from Ne IV , Na V and Al VII Ions
Bull. Astron. Soc. India 25, 247-251 (1997)

B.N. Dwivedi, A.K. Gupta and A. Mohan
Solar Plasma Line Diagnostics from Ne IV, Na V and Al VII Ions
Bull. Astron. Soc. India 26, 693-700 (1998)

A.K. Gupta, B.N. Dwivedi and A. Mohan
N II and O III Line Ratios on the Sun
Ind. Journ. Phys. 73 B(1), 19-23 (1999)

B.N. Dwivedi, A. Mohan and A.K. Gupta
S IV/O IV Line Ratio Diagnostics for Solar Plasma (Communicated)

A.K. Gupta and B.N. Dwivedi
Density and Temperature Diagnostics of Solar Plasma (Paper in Preparation)

Scientific Visits/Symposia/Colloquia

International Astronomical Union Symposium – 142 on “Basic Plasma Processes in Sun”, Bangalore, 1st – 5th December, 1989

Visiting Scholar, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, May – July, 1990

Workshop on “Plasma Astrophysics”, March, 1992, Bangalore

Workshop on “Large Scale Structures in the Universe”, 21st November – 10th December, 1994, Mysore

Workshop on “Computer Networks”, 2nd -13th January 1995, Pune

International Astronomical Union Colloquim on “Solar and interplanetary Transients”, 23rd – 27th January, 1995, NCRA, Pune

Plasma 95 Symposium on “Plasma Science & Technology”, 16th – 19th October, 1995, BHU, Varanasi

Plasma 95 Symposium on “Plasma Science & Technology”, 28th – 31st October, 1996, BHU, Varanasi

Winter School on “High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy”, 14th – 18th November, 1996, Panchmarhi

National Space Science Symposium, 25th – 28th November, 1997, PRL, Ahmadabad

Astronomical Society of India XVIII Annual Meeting, 28th November – 1st December, 1997, PRL, Ahmadabad

International Solar Workshop on ‘Transient Phenomena on the Sun & Interplanetary Medium’ 5th – 7th April, 2005, Aries, Nainital

Any other Academic Information


BHU Research Fellowship- March 01, 1991 to Feb. 28, 1993.

CSIR Senior Research Fellowship, March 1993 to July 1994.

Visiting Fellow (Indian Institute of Astrophysics), 1994

CSIR Research Associate ship, August 1994 to July 2000.

Life member of Astronomical Society of India.

Examination/Evaluation Duties

Center Superintendent for University Examination, Galgotias University
Member, Flying Squad in UPTU ESE- 03 years.

Group Leader, Flying Squad in UPTU ESE- 01 year.

Examiner for UPTU external practical Examinations

Examiner for Evaluation of Physics Theory Papers (UPTU)

Academic Duties

Division Chair, Physics Department, Galgotias University
Co-ordinator of B.Tech.