Kapri, A., Hiremath, U, S., Chaunsali, P, K.,2018, Effect of teaching modules on knowledge gain of students.; Advances in research 16(4): 1-10 (NAAS rating-4.80)
Kapri, A., Rani, J. and Rani, S.,2020, Attitude towards homestead technologies among RAWE (IAHS) students. Agriculture Update 15 (1 and 2): 83-86 (NAAS Rating-4.39)
Kapri, A. and Kaushik, S., 2022, Perception of farmers regarding climate change: A comparative study. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 12(10): 210-216 (NAAS Rating -5.13)
Kapri, A. Chaunsali, P, K. and Kaushik, S.,2020, Water crisis in the hill cities of western Himalayas: A starling reality. International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 21(16):1-6 (NAAS Rating -5.40)
Kapri, A. and Kaushik, S., 2022, Impact of climate change as perceived by farm families. Journal of community mobilization and sustainable development
Kapri, A. and Kathpalia, J.,2019, Impact of spirituality on well being of old aged people. Indian Journal of Health and well-being, 10(4-6):129-131 (NAAS Rating -4.13)
Kapri, A. and Kurbetta, N., 2016, Perception of RAWE Programme by students of UAS, Dharwad (Karnataka). Journal of agroecology and natural resource management
Kapri, A., Kurbetta, N. and Natagull, R, U., Education about food safety among consumers. Journal of agricultural engineering and food technology
Kapri, A. and Panda, P. P., 2016, Parenting stress in raising a child with disabilities in Karnataka (India). International Journal of Multidisciplinary research.
Kapri, A. and Panda, P, P., 2016, Relationship on socio economic status of farmers. International Journal of Multidisciplinary research
Kapri, A., Chaunsali, P, K. and Kaushik, S., 2020, Impact of Covid-19 on education system of India. International Journal of Social Science and management studies
Kapri, A., Raj, S. and Kaushik, S., 2020, Climate change and food safety: A review. Times of Agriculture
International Conference on AFPCEM-2016 organised by Krishi Sanskriti publication
37th world management congress organised by indo global chamber of commerce, industries and agriculture
XXXII biennial conference of Home Science Association of India, Udaipur chapter, 2018
International symposium on innopreneurship: A need of sustainable agriculture
National seminar on innovative strategies for gender equality, 8 March 2019
National startup summit, June 2019
ISEE National seminar on Socio-digital approaches for transforming Indian agriculture
Webinar on farmer producer organisation and commodity market organised by NAHEP-CAAST, AAU, Anand
Webinar conference on Impact of Covid-19 on global Socio-economic development