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G-Post is an e-magazine society that features events conducted by the University and its clubs. We feature every event of every club alphabetically to make it easy for readers to keep track of pages and club events. We are a team of creative minds who write event reports according to the details provided to us and design magazine pages. The club is full of fun activities where a bunch of people engages in writing reports as well as magazine designing. We also have a senior member on the team every year who is the Editor-in-chief to give us the final feedback and suggestions to be done on the magazine before final submission to the core team. We publish a magazine on regular a interval of time covering all events along with write-ups, poems, etc., and entries from students of Galgotias University. The magazine also gets uploaded on Galgotias University’s official website where visitors can have a look at the creativity. We also organize events to interact with the students of Galgotias University as well.