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A window to Turkish Culture & Society by Prof. (Dr.) Iryna Sekret

08th October, 2023

On 08th October, 2022 “A Window to Turkish Culture and Society” Program was held at Galgotias University in Hybrid mode. The program was organized by Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Parasar, Dean, School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida. 

Prof. (Dr.) Preeti Bajaj, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and Ms. Aradhana Galgotia, Director Operations marked their presence in the interactive Session. Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Parasar said in her address that in today’s time and age the only way to grow and flourish is to have more opportunities for interactions with many cultures and societies. It only broadens our perspectives and contributes towards developing holistic individuals of tomorrow. 

The chief speaker for this session was Prof. (Dr.) Iryna Sekret (IATELS, Committee Chair of Turkey). She has been actively involved in a number of educational and research projects implemented in Europe and beyond with a vast experience in teaching and training in multicultural environments. 

The session focused on the heterogenous culture of Turkey as it hosts unique blends of both traditional and modern conventions as well as religious and secular practices. The opportunities that Turkey has to offer to students were also discussed by Prof. Sekret in terms of research projects and various other academic opportunities such as the student culture exchange programs. She shed light upon the importance of Psychology in every profession of today’s world. The rising need for the subject in the work atmosphere and managerial practices.

Students from liberal education, management studies, science, maths and other departments of Galgotias university participated in the event in huge numbers, both offline and online. There were 100+ participants in this interactive session. Students asked many questions from the expert based on higher education opportunities and the student exchange program. The session was appreciated by students and they found the program useful and informative.

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