Tech Pro 2023
Event Date: 24th - 25th November 2023
An international conference and poster/paper presentation event was organized by the School of Computer Applications and Technology, Galgotias University on 24th and 25th November 2023. The event was aimed to provide students a platform to exhibit their research / innovation ideas and to gain insights on the various trending technologies through the technical sessions during the 2-day event. The external resource person Mr.Vipin Bharadwaj (Freelance Sr. Management Consultant, Ducis Management Consultancy) interacted with the participants as well as the audience. Registered and shortlisted groups also presented their posters.
The School of Computer Applications and Technology, Galgotias University organized a poster / paper presentation event for the students of various programs of different institutions. The various domains for paper presentations were as follows (but not limited to):
- Next Generation Intelligent Systems
- Security and Privacy issues in Smart Systems
- Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence
- Modelling, Simulation and Optimization
- IoT and Artificial Intelligence for Consumer Applications/Agriculture Application
- Computation Intelligence and Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence and health care
- Cognitive learning and Quantum Computing.
The students in their respective groups presented their posters followed by questions from the jury members. Faculty Coordinators:- Dr Sudeshna Chakraborty, Dr. Pooja Singh along with the Faculty Organizers:- Dr. Kavita, Dr. Sourabh, Dr. Anubhav Kumar and the Student Coordinators:- Prince Rana, Vedansh, Nikunj, Pankaj Lamba took overall charge of the 2-day event and successfully completed with the vote of thanks presented by Dr. Sudeshna Chakraborty on 25th Dec 2023.
Mentor Name – Mr. Vipin Bharadwaj
Department Name – School of Computer Applications and Technology [SCAT]