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Plan to reduce energy consumption

Galgotias University strives to continue in the journey to preserve the natural resources such as energy, water and air as our Environment Policy. We had adopted some of the best practices and methodologies in order to be one of the best green campuses in this region. Apart from providing a pollution free environment that adds to the better learning environment, the Galgotias green campus serves as a platform to educate, train and maintain the need and standards of sustainability. This in- dictator addresses energy consumption, energy sources, energy monitoring, lighting, appliance, natural gas and vehicles. Energy use is clearly an important aspect of campus sustainability and thus requires no explanation for its inclusion in the assessment. The plan to reduce energy consumption indicator is included in our policy as:

The energy audit may range from a simple walk-through survey at one extreme to one that may span several phases:

The first step is to identify that area where energy is wasted and reduce energy without affecting the outputs of various functions.

The second step is to implement energy efficient appliances in place of normal appliances which reduced energy use by proper operations and maintenance. For this reason, it is necessary to reduce the number of operating machines and operating hours according to the demands of the load, and fully optimize equipment operations. Energy audit depends on following factors: -

  • Building equipment operation.
  • Lighting systems.
  • Power systems.
  • Building envelope.
  • Air-conditioning and ventilation equipment systems.
  • Miscellaneous services.

The third step would require investment for remodeling, rebuilding, or introducing further control upgrades to the building. For instance, Buildings can be developed more efficiently (Concept of Green Building can be used). 3) The fourth step is to carry out large-scale energy reducing measures when existing facilities have past the is useful life, or require extensive repairs or replacement because of obsolescence. In this case high energy savings may be achieved. like using solar power plants.

Enhance the use of solar energy.

The solar PV power plant of capacity 3KW solar power plant had been installed on various buildings, as a consequence an amount of Rs.1,50,150.00 (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand one fifty only) in 30ft April20l8.

And in 12th January 2020, second solar plant installed in Galgotias university of an amount of Rs.17,64,000.00 (Rupees seventeen lakh sixty-four thousand only).

To increase the share of LED lamps so that the energy utilization is minimized.

Galgotias University is using well equipped instruments for saving energy. Also purchasing the instruments with newly equipped sensor technologies for saving the electricity in different blocks of the" university campus. Measures taken to conserve energy and utilize alternate source of energy.

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