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Policy waste disposal - landfill policy

Policy Adopted in: 2013

Last Updated in: 2023


This Policy applies to all the students, staff and visitors


  1. To reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills by implementing effective waste reduction and recycling programs.
  2. To monitor and measure the amount of waste generated, recycled, and sent to landfills to assess progress and set achievable goals for waste reduction.
  3. To promote awareness and education within the university community about the importance of waste reduction and recycling.


The Galgotias University recognizes its environmental responsibilities and is committed to sustainable waste management practices. This policy outlines the university's approach to waste disposal, emphasizing the reduction of waste sent to landfills and the promotion of recycling. The university is dedicated to monitoring, measuring, and continually improving its waste management strategies to minimize the environmental impact.

Waste Measurement and Reporting

Waste Audit: The university conducts regular waste audits to determine the composition and quantity of waste generated across various campus facilities. These audits include the categorization of waste into recyclable, compostable, and non-recyclable materials.

Waste Metrics: The university measures the following waste-related metrics:

  1. Total waste generated
  2. Amount of waste recycled
  3. Amount of waste sent to landfills
  4. Recycling rates (percentage of waste recycled)
  5. Waste diversion rates (percentage of waste diverted from landfills)

Reporting: The results of waste audits and waste metrics are documented and made available to the university community through periodic reports, which is published and easily accessible on the university's website.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Programs

Recycling: The university establishes and maintains a robust recycling program that encompasses the collection and recycling of paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, metals, and other recyclable materials. Recycling bins will be strategically placed throughout the campus, and clear signage is used to encourage participation.

Composting: Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, is collected and composted whenever feasible. Composting facilities or partnerships with local composting facilities are established to reduce the organic waste sent to landfills.

 Hazardous Waste: Hazardous waste materials are managed in accordance with the university's Hazardous Waste Disposal Policy to ensure they are disposed of safely, reducing any potential harm to the environment.

 E-waste: Electronic waste, including obsolete electronics and equipment, is collected separately and disposed of in compliance with electronic waste recycling regulations.

Waste Reduction Strategies

The university implements waste reduction strategies, such as:

  1. Encouraging the use of electronic documents to reduce paper waste.
  2. Promoting the use of reusable and sustainable products.
  3. Participating in "reduce and reuse" campaigns.
  4. Ensuring responsible procurement practices, favoring products with less packaging.

Awareness and Education

The university conducts awareness and education campaigns to inform and engage the campus community in waste reduction and recycling efforts. These campaigns may include workshops, seminars, and outreach activities to promote a culture of sustainability.

Review and Improvement

The university conducts regular reviews of its waste management policies and practices to assess the effectiveness of its waste reduction and recycling efforts. These reviews lead to the establishment of new targets and initiatives for continuous improvement.

The university seeks input from the campus community and stakeholders to refine and enhance waste management practices.